European Ultimate Federation

The Europäischer Ultimate Sport Verband - European Ultimate Federation (EUF) - is a non-profit sports association with its seat in Guntramsdorf (Austria) with central register number ZVR-975251107.

EUF is a member of the European Flying Disc Federation (EFDF), which is the Umbrella Organisation overall European disc sports recognized by the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF). EUF is responsible for Ultimate and Indoor Ultimate in Europe and it consists of 35 member associations, which represent Ultimate in their countries.

As part of the European Flying Disc Federation (EFDF) and the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), the EUF works for the coordination and development of Ultimate in Europe and the promotion of its Spirit of the Game ideals. The EUF coordinates Ultimate associations in Europe and supports Ultimate in countries where there is no local organisation. The EUF organises tournaments for European teams, develops educational programs and courses for them, and supports other activities of interest.


The EUF’s board consists of a president, a treasurer, a secretary and up to six additional board members. The legislation term for all board members is 2 years.


The EUF’s committees include Athletes, Competition, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Spirit of the Game, and Youth & Development.


​The EUF is supported by a dedicated staff of professionals who oversee various operational aspects.