Announcement: Merchandising Partnership 2024-2027

European Ultimate Federation (EUF) and Force Ultimate are delighted to announce a merchandise partnership for 2024-2027!

Force Ultimate is a widely used and trusted brand within the European ultimate community. Continuing to partner with them, EUF is committed to providing merchandise produced in Europe. With their expertise in graphic design and high-quality sportswear and attention to the ethical side of the production, the partnership aims to elevate the visual appeal, and sustainability of European Ultimate merchandise. 

Andrea “Oddi” Furlan, the president of EUF, said, “Collaborating with Force Ultimate has been a success in the previous years. Having a stable partnership for the next four years allows EUF and Force Ultimate to exploit different kinds of cooperation possibilities, not only for the reciprocal benefit but also for the whole European Ultimate Community. I'm genuinely excited about what we can achieve together in the coming years.”

Ben Frank, from Force Ultimate, said, "Force Ultimate is delighted to renew our partnership with the European Ultimate Federation. As we extend our collaboration, both Cyril Cayla and I, as company directors, would like to thank the Federation for their continued trust and support.

It has always been a pleasure to work with the EUF and we find that we share many of the same values: choice, diversity, simplicity and environmental responsibility. Our sportswear is crafted locally (right here in Bordeaux, France), utilising sustainable materials and manufacturing processes that have minimal impact on the environment. We take pride in offering quality products that not only kit out Ultimate players in style and comfort but also contribute to a stronger local economy and a healthier planet. 

Being in contact with the European Ultimate community is extremely rewarding, we’re keen to start working and to get out in the fields and it’s exciting to have this opportunity to build lasting projects with the Federation. See you all soon!”

Read more about Force Ultimate at

2024 holds a lot of changes, and we are excited to have strong partners on our side to help us develop European Ultimate! Stay tuned for more partnership announcements.


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EUCS pass - now available