Self Assessment: Organisation
Knowledge and Use
- We as an organization haven't dealt with the Gender Equity problematic so far.
- We have a poor knowledge and understanding of Gender Equity.
- We have no real knowledge of methods for our Trainers and Players to run Trainings or recruiting activities in a gender-equitable way.
- We don’t know typical manifestations of Gender Inequity.
- We have no strategy in place to spread knowledge in our organization. We often experience a lack of information transfer among our members.
We are looking for some basic suggestions to have some basic knowledge about Gender Equity within our organization.
- In our organization, knowledge and understanding of the Gender Equity problematic is at very different levels.
- Some members have received training about and use gender-equitable recruiting methods, but these methods are not standard in our organization.
- We have no structure in place to assure that all members know the classical manifestations of Gender Inequity.
- We have no strategy to distribute knowledge within our organization. Information transfer is not coordinated clearly.
We are looking for support on how to create policies and structures in order to bring all members to the same level of knowledge of gender-equitable methods.
- All Members of the association have a good knowledge and understanding of Gender Equity.
- We have a system in place to distribute this knowledge to new members.
- We as an association provide training material, methods and formation offers that consider Gender Equity aspects.
- We have a clear strategy to assure that all members receive a Gender Equity Formation.
We might be able to share this knowledge and material with other associations if wished.
Violations and Incidents
- We as an association haven't dealt with Gender Equity issues or incidents so far and have no idea how we would address them.
- There is no specific structure or policy in the association to report Gender Equity issues or incidents.
- We wouldn't know who to ask or what to do in case of gender issues or incidents.
We are looking for some first steps towards basic knowledge about gender issues and incidents and who to ask for help.
- We as an association have no experience with Gender Equity issues or incidents so far and are unsure how we would address them.
- We as an association have no structure and policies in place on how to manage Gender Equity issues or incidents.
- We as an association have no strategy on how to address gender issues and are unsure who to ask for help.
We are looking for support on how to create structures and policies to report Gender Equity issues and incidents.
- We as an association have a safeguarding policy or we adopted one from our parent association.
- There are specific channels and responsibilities for reporting Gender Equity issues.
- We have a strategy and policies how to ensure that every member knows how to manage Gender Equity incidents.
We might be able to share this knowledge and material with other association if wished.
Fairness and Open-Mindedness
- We as an association don't engage in Gender Equity initiatives.
- We have no program to foster the development of female leaders and role models.
- Our association is almost exclusively run by men.
- We have no strategy to create an equitable environment.
We are looking for some basic suggestions on how to start working on our open-mindedness towards Gender Equity initiatives.
- We as an organization are aware of some Gender Equity initiatives of our members but do not actively and directly support them.
- We as an association have no programs to develop female leaders and to create an equitable environment.
- Our organization is partially run by women, but men are in the vast majority or in the key positions.
- There is no designated person for pushing the Gender Equity agenda.
We are looking for support on how we can define policies and structures that foster the development of female leaders.
- We initiate and actively support Gender Equity initiatives of our members.
- We as an association have a strategy and take action in order to develop female leaders and to create an equitable environment.
- Our organization is run equally by people of different genders.
- There are clearly defined roles responsible for pushing the Gender Equity agenda.
We might be able to share this knowledge and material with other associations if wished.
Positive Attitude and Environment
- We as an organization have no code of conduct that is mandatory for all members.
- We are not aware of members/member teams having such policies.
We are looking for some suggestions on how to start identifying the basic requirements to guarantee a respectful and gender-equitable environment.
- There are members/member teams that have a defined code of conduct, but there is no policy valid for the whole association.
- We have no clearly defined responsibilities to handle and call-out improper behaviour.
We are looking for support on how we as an organization can systematically make sure that all our members follow the same principle for an inclusive and gender-equitable environment.
- We as an association actively care to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable.
- We have a code of conduct that is mandatory for all members.
- We have structures and responsibilities to mediate and rule in case members violate the code of conduct.
We might be able to share this knowledge and material with other associations if wished.
Communication, Media Presence and Recruiting
- We as an association have no guidelines or suggestions on gender-equitable language.
- We as an association have no standard program or guidelines for gender-equitable recruiting activities.
- We have no communication strategy.
- We haven't thought about how different genders are presented and represented in our media channels.
We are looking for some suggestions to start identifying the basic requirements for a media or recuiting strategy.
- As an association we have no defined guidelines on how to communicate in a gender-equitable way but we try to follow some general principles.
- As an association, we have a standard program for recruiters, but it doesn't consider Gender Equity aspects.
- We have a communication strategy, but it doesn't consider Gender Equity aspects.
- We have no policy on how to present and represent all genders in the various media channels in an equitable way, but try to give all genders enough space.
We are looking for support on how to improve our communication methods and policies in order to make them more inclusive and gender-equitable.
- We as an organization have a communication strategy that considers gender-equitable language.
- We have recruiting guidelines focused on Gender Equity.
- We have a policy on how to present and represent all genders in the various media channels in an equitable way.
We might be able to share this knowledge and material with other associations if wished.