Join Youth & Development Committee!
The EUF is creating a new Youth & Development Committee - do you want to be part of it?
We are trialing a new way of working, with a committee made up of sub-committees, where each sub-committee is in charge of working on a single specific area to foster the development of Ultimate across Europe, with a focus on Youth and inclusion. You can ask to join or lead one or more of these sub-committees. We expect the the workload to be fairly easy and each sub-committee will have freedom to define their targets, workload, and ways of working.
The list of areas of work has been developed on past experiences, best practices, and feedback from the EUF Development network. You can suggest additional ones, too. We will activate a sub-committee only for the areas for which we have enough participation behind it. The EUF will support and coordinate the work of each sub-committee.
Please review the list of areas of work below, and select those that you would be willing to collaborate on. You can choose one or more. You don't need to have prior experience in those areas, as we are looking for enthusiasm, curiosity, and commitment. If this sounds like you, please fill this form: we need you!