Meet The Athletes Committee

The EUF Athletes’ Committee was formed in Winter 2023 as a way to create a more direct and robust link between European ultimate players and the board of the European Ultimate Federation. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has a voice when it comes to the decisions that affect us all. 

If you have thoughts or concerns about anything related to European Ultimate (tournaments, the ranking system, EUF rules, the board’s decisions, or anything we haven’t yet considered), we want to hear them. You can get in touch with us at, or you can reach out to any of us individually.

What we’ve already had an impact on/are currently discussing:

  • EUF’s Social Expression Policy

  • EUF’s communications to its stakeholders

  • Game length and the number of games per day

  • Taking feedback from athletes about their experiences at EUF events

Who we are:

Ráchel Tošnerová (chair):

České Budějovice, Czech Republic 

Ned Garvey

Berlin, Germany
Wall City

José Bautsch 

Pisa, Italia
BFD Red Bulls (2023)

Becky Thompson
Reading, United Kingdom
Reading Ultimate 

In addition to our committee, you can always reach out to EUF directly via or to the respective committees:


EUCS half time - Ranking Updates